Interconnexions électriques
Présentation de la communication [B71]

[B71] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "A new pseudo-differential transmission scheme for on-chip and on-board interconnections", Proc. of the CEM 08 Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Paris, May 2008, session C7.

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     Veuillez noter que, en page 2, colonne 1, lignes 7 à 10, il faut lire "the MTL using as variables the n+1 natural voltages (which are defined with respect to the reference conductor) and the n+1 natural currents flowing on the TCs and on the CC", au lieu de "the MTL using as variables the n natural voltages (which are defined with respect to the reference conductor) and the n natural currents flowing on the TCs and on the CC".

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